TotalCAN CAN to USB interface



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TotalCAN is a tiny CAN to USB interface built around STM32F042.

It works with below Open Source firmwares:
(big thanks to Eric Evenchick for helping me with this project)

What’s amazing about it is that it not only supports SocketCAN driver implemented in Linux but also works with CANtact Windows software, making it easier to use by those who are not into Linux.

Decode your CAN messages withing seconds. Forget about staring at Excel for days, typing dozens of formulas to find that 1 frame.
Record and replay whole CAN traffic (replay on Linux only).

It can be enclosed in transparent thermal shrink tube, Z43 enclosure or built in OBD2 cable.

Some vehicles have several CAN BUS networks. You may want to connect somewhere else than to OBD2 port. CAN interface contacts may be populated with JST-XH connector, screw terminal block, or anything you like.

Technical overwiev

uC: STM32F042C6T6
CAN transceiver: MCP2561
CAN interface spacing: 0.1″ / 2.54mm
USB: micro USB 2.0
Firmware upload through DfuSe

Device will be packed with CANtact firmware and ready to go out of the box.